Alfie’s positive induction story
Amanda & David’s Hypnobirthing Experience
Amanda and David came to me for a Hypnobirthing Course as they wanted help with anxiety and feeling fearful about giving birth. When some complications arose with baby Alfie during pregnancy, they made the informed decision to opt for an induction of labour. They welcomed their boy confidently and feeling empowered.
I was terrified at the thought of labour
As soon as I found out I was pregnant I was already terrified at the thought of labour and birth. I did lots of googling on how to help with my anxiety and hypnobirthing kept coming up. I had heard of lots of people having positive experiences with using hypnobirthing techniques, so I booked it straight away. The sessions were really informative, and we learnt so much about labour and birth, which made us feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable about the process.
Facing Challenges
At 20 weeks an anomaly was picked up in baby’s chest and both David and I underwent testing to rule out any specific conditions. I was to be scanned regularly to keep a check on baby and the anomaly up until my due date with further testing on baby to be done once they were born. Claire provided us with support out-with the sessions by sending relaxing MP3’s and providing me with coping techniques to help with the additional worry.
At 37 weeks I went into hospital with reduced movement and had a scan with the consultant that had been seeing us since our 20 week appointment. This is when she discovered I had low amniotic fluid and that it would be best to be induced that week. David and I had a discussion with her and asked lots of questions and both decided that this would be the best option to make sure baby was ok. Again, Claire was on hand to help settle my anxiety and spoke to me on the phone that day about the process of induction to help relax me a bit and I was so grateful that she took the time to do this.
The induction process
I was given a sweep on the Tuesday and then went for a long walk, took a bath, and watched my favourite film to help boost oxytocin and keep me relaxed. I went into hospital on Wednesday morning and my induction was started at 11 am. The procedure for starting the induction was straight forward and I breathed through it. The midwives then ran me a beautiful bath and I watched more of my favourite programmes on my iPad whilst chilling in the bath, and within a couple of hours my contractions started. In the early stages of labour, I used my tens machine and birthing ball. The breathing techniques we learnt in our sessions I think were key to getting me through the next few hours.
By midnight I was moved to the labour ward as I was 5cm dilated and as contractions intensified, I used the gas and air along with my breathing to help with the surges. In between contractions I was able to chat with the midwives, and David and I were always fully aware of what was happening which helped to keep me calm and feel in control.
Once I had reached 7 cm dilated, I asked about additional pain relief and my midwife discussed all of my options along with the pros and cons of each. I decided to hold off and continue with gas and air. Twenty minutes after having that discussion I had an overwhelming feeling to push. My body just seemed to take over and knew exactly what it was doing. I’m honestly still in amazement of how amazing the body is! I wanted to get gravity to help with birth and my midwife knew this, so she got me up onto my knees leaning over the top of the bed.
Within 10 short minutes of pushing baby Alfie was quickly but very calmly born at 4.11am weighing 6lb 9oz. Just to hold the little guy who we had seen in scans and feel kicking was a feeling I'll never be able to put into words.
David was amazing and literally counted my breathing for every contraction during the whole labour. He was always on hand for whatever I needed whether that was a drink or to put on some lip balm for me!!
Alfie had scans and medical checks after birth to follow up from his 20 week scan and thankfully he is a very healthy little man who has been given the all clear.
I feel very lucky that I had such a positive induction experience
I feel very lucky that I had such a positive induction experience
I feel very lucky that I had such a positive induction experience. I do believe this was down to us feeling in control, having knowledge of what was going on throughout the whole process and having techniques to help us stay calm.
We can’t thank Claire enough for all her support throughout the pregnancy and after and will be recommending the course to anyone who feels anxious about birth.
- Amanda and David, Group Course 2020