Eloise’s Positive Birth Story
Fiona and Rob's Hypnobirthing Homebirth
Fiona and Rob did an online course with me during Covid and very quickly opted for home birth. Fiona was classed as high risk, purely because of her age, which meant she was bound for a more medicalised birth. Armed with knowledge and tools, and an amazing birth partner, she took control of her experience and welcomed her beautiful girl, at home, on her terms. She rocks!
The Strength of Teamwork
As cheesy as it sounds, there’s no I in team! Yes, I did bring this wee beauty into the world, but I simply couldn’t have done it without my absolute rock, birth partner, my husband. He was unbelievably supportive and got me through the awesomeness of birth! He smashed it! We both did.
Empowered by Hypnobirthing
We previously completed The Essential Hypnobirthing course with Claire from Through Birth and Beyond. Without her we wouldn’t have been able to smash the birth out with all the tools and positivity we learned in class. We had our own wee space with a pool, fairy lights and affirmations from this amazing course to keep us focused and it was all we wanted.
Our Beautiful Home Birth
So, as my waters broke in the middle of night, we had to go into hospital as per protocol and the lovely midwives there checked us both over and because we were down for home birth and was only 2 cm dilated, we were sent home.
Before I went into hospital, I was getting really strong contractions 5-10 mins apart but as soon as I got into hospital, they seemed to have stopped and slowed down. I felt disappointed as I knew what potentially lied ahead. In hospital, there was many discussions about lots of interventions which both my husband and I didn’t want.
Claire taught us a very good tool called JBRAIN. This was a very good tool to use during any discussions which keeps you focused especially when fear and adrenaline creeps it’s ugly head. These feelings were there, and I know that your body doesn’t want these during labour. Anyway, we were sent on our way to see if labour started spontaneously...
We got home and planned a few oxytocin things and by 2pm I had another big water break and things ramped up very quickly. Home birth midwives were called, pool pumped up and by 5:41pm little Eloise was born weighing 7lbs 11oz.
It was truly the best experience we could have asked for and wanted.
Claire, you’re going BIG places. You are amazing at what you do and I’m so glad to have found you and most definitely class you as a good friend now. We won’t forget this in a hurry! Other people to thank are the absolute wonderful Fife Home birth Team that, in my eyes are walking earth angels. We only decided on a home birth at around 30 weeks, and it was, easily the best decision we ever made. Bringing my second daughter into the world had its twists and turns. But after a little bumpy start we got to birth where we wanted in the way we wanted. They supported me throughout the pregnancy and were astonishingly brilliant at labour. Blooming love them!