Michael’s Positive Birth Story

Kathleen and Chris’ Hypnobirthing Experience for their First Baby

Kathleen and Chris took part in my very first group hypnobirthing course. We were two sessions in when we all went into lockdown. Thankfully we were able to take things online! They went on to have a wonderful birth experience when they welcomed their little boy into the world.

Unexpected Beginnings

I had been on the phone to my mum and dad early evening on the 20th and towards the end of the call I mentioned I had some discomfort in my back, I didn’t think anything of it as I often have back ache however little did, I know this was the start of Michael’s arrival.

I headed to bed about 10ish, but I didn't sleep much as I still had some discomfort in my back and twinges in my stomach. After a couple of hours, I noticed they were coming and going in waves, at that point I thought that it was maybe the start. I got up at 12ish, Chris was still up so I went through to him and said I wasn’t sure but think something was starting. Shortly after that I went to the toilet and that’s when my show passed. I was sure things were starting now so I started recording the contractions with the Freya App and focused on the breathing techniques we learned on the course.

Hypnobirthing at Home

At 1.30am I was sure I was in labour, I called the hospital, explained the events so far and that we had done a hypnobirthing course and were happy to stay at home. They were really nice and said that at any time if we wanted to come in, we could but that the longer I stayed at home the better it was for us, which we knew from the course.

So, this was it after waiting a long 9 months it was finally happening, I didn’t realise at the time but looking back at this point we were both buzzing with excitement. We had been carefully managing our expectations the whole way through this pregnancy due to a previous miscarriage and a scare at the beginning of this pregnancy. It was a long 9 months and we were both so excited!

Journey to the Hospital

Chris went about checking bags and loading the car. While I was kneeling on the bedroom floor and leaning on the bed getting used to the contractions and using the app. After a while I moved through to the sitting room and settled on my birthing ball. This part was actually really nice, I feel like we eased into this first stage really easily as from the course we knew exactly what to do and both were calm. Chris fell asleep on the sofa. It got to about 4.30 when I woke Chris and said that I thought we should head to the hospital soon. The Contractions were coming between 5/6 mins and 3 or 4 mins apart. I called the hospital to let them know. I was still very calm, and we took our time, I didn’t feel like there was any need to rush. On the way there was the most beautiful sunrise, the whole sky was alight with orange and with the quiet roads it made for such a lovely journey into the hospital.

Intense Moments in the Pool

We arrived at the hospital around 6am, I was already 6cms dilated which I was so surprised and pleased about. Chris set up the room with our candles and put our music on and we settled in. At first, I just sat on my birthing ball, however I was having back pain, so I got into the birthing pool around 9:15 for a while, the warm water soothed my back. I just breathed through the contractions, when things started to get more intense, I asked for the gas and air however I found it a bit of a hassle to use whilst in the pool, I stopped using it after a while and found it better to just focus on breathing through the contractions. I didn’t use the gas and air for the rest of the labour.

Then things started to slow down, I had been pushing for some time, I was getting tired, and the midwife said the baby was too. It seemed like he changed his mind and just didn’t want to come out. I was out of the pool and trying different positions. I got to the point where I didn't really know what to do and so ended up back in the pool which helped me relax, my waters broke in the pool which was handy. I was now getting very tired and got out and onto the bed. The next while was pretty intense, and my dignity was certainly left at the door. I was worried Chris wouldn’t feel involved but there was no need as by this point, he was right in the thick of it, supporting me emotionally and physically, think I squeezed the blood out of his and the midwife’s hands.

Triumph in the End

In the end they mentioned that the doctors were wanting to come and check things soon which meant potential intervention which I didn’t want. This was the motivation I needed to get me through the last bit and get him out. I pushed as hard as I could and, in my head, I just kept telling myself I did not want any doctors! Michael was born at 13:56 on 21st April with just breathing techniques, a small episiotomy and no further interventions. It was an amazing experience, I will never forget the first time his wee face looked up at me, I feel so blessed.

Unfortunately, I had a complication after the birth as the placenta wouldn’t come out. We asked what the options were, I didn’t want to go for surgery, so the doctor tried a couple of times which was the worst part as this was extremely painful. I ended up having to go for surgery in the end which in hindsight was the best option as I didn’t feel anything after getting an epidural.

If we hadn’t done the course, we would have been very overwhelmed

If we hadn’t done the course, we would have been very overwhelmed

I am so thankful for going on the hypnobirthing course as it really prepared us for the birth, eased us into the whole experience so calmly and in control which has left me with an overall positive memory. I think if we hadn’t done the course, we would have been very overwhelmed from the get-go and probably would have gone to the hospital a lot sooner, it would have been a totally different experience.

Can’t thank you enough Claire and if we are lucky enough to fall pregnant again, we will be sure to come to you for a refresher and maybe you could be our Doula by then!!

- Kathleen and Chris: Group Hypnobirthing Course