Lara’s positive birth story
A Hypnobirthing Poem
Lara and her husband joined one of my Empowered Births Group Courses as they wanted to prepare for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) for their second baby. From the first meeting, I knew Lara was determined to accomplish her dream. And I’m so thankful to say she did just that.
Following the birth of her precious baby girl. I received a beautiful framed poem that Lara had written as a gift for me. I’m beyond blessed to be able to share it with you.
Through Birth and Beyond with Claire
Thank you Claire for the support through my pregnancy,
Always being there to check in, even postnatally.
"A doula in your pocket" you describe yourself to be,
No truer a word said, I whole heartedly agree.
From our first contact telling you about my VBAC goal,
You couldn't have been more supportive in your role.
Letting me borrow books and sending me podcasts,
Links to research articles and responding to me fast.
Educating me about my birth choices and rights,
Always being at the end of the phone morning, noon, and night
When I'd wobble you phoned or messaged to reassure
Talking me through my choices when I felt unsure.
In June, I attended your hypnobirthing group course,
Receiving your amazing handbook - a great birth source.
Your course was invaluable, filling us with knowledge to burst.
Reflecting on the cascade of interventions with my first.
Your course made us welcome - it was intimate and small,
Plenty breaks and the option to sit on my birth ball.
The refreshments you provided were a welcome treat,
I can't say no to something tasty and sweet.
Reframing my birth fears putting me in control,
So I could advocate for myself however birth would unfold.
Supporting me in making birth plans A, B, C and D,
So I had confidence in whichever way my birth was to be.
You taught us up and down breathing techniques
Light touch massage and counter pressure relief.
How to properly use a birth ball and birth comb
Different pain relief options for in our birth zone.
Your guided meditations helped at birth came near,
Helping baby's positioning, releasing anxiety and fear.
You gave us confidence in the homebirth we'd selected,
Keeping our choice private, my husband and I connected.
You told of the importance of the birthing space,
Making my living room at home my perfect birthplace.
Treasured photographs hung so wherever in the room I could see,
Baby's first outfit, fairly and tealights lit dimly.
Your positive birth affirmations were invaluable you see,
I made a recording of the affirmations important for VBAC and me.
Playing throughout my labour - helping me believe,
Finding strength, bringing me closer to the birth I'd achieve.
My labour wasn't calm and controlled like that with first,
All in the back this pain was intense and worse.
In between surges the pain didn’t subside or go away
Intense, strong and powerful they were here to stay.
My surges thick and fast, coming back-to-back
No chance for rest to get my mind on track,
I used the gas and air like how you showed me to,
Your demonstration so valuable, I knew what to do.
My body took over in an overwhelming way,
It knew what to do - pushing uncontrollably.
The midwife reminded me to change to down breathing,
With every down breath I felt my baby crowning
Very quickly baby's head was born with a gush
Then baby's body was born with the very next push.
My surprise baby girl was born in my living room,
In the birth pool, who knew she'd be out so soon?
The feeling of birthing my baby nothing could prepare me for,
Euphoric, overwhelming and radiating through my core.
There is a magic of bringing your baby to your own chest
Being able to see baby's gender first - I'm truly blessed
The midwives complimented my husband as a hypnobirth dad,
His counting my breathing and calmness he had.
His use of massage: gentle and light touch,
Holding and stroking my hands when it felt too much.
With your guidance and help I got my dream birth,
A homebirth after caesarean all the prep it was worth.
My experience empowering and healing to me,
That birth can be physiological and intervention free.
Thank you for equipping us with tools and techniques,
Packed into your amazing course of four weeks.
For changing our mindset making us believe,
The birth that we dreamed of we could and did achieve
My husband and I can't thank you enough,
For all the guidance and support you’ve given us.
For always being there so we can contact you,
Being part of our healing journey with baby number two.
Thank you Lots of love from Lara