Harper’s Positive Birth Story
Lindsay and Danny's Assisted Birth with Hypnobirthing
Lindsay and Danny came to me for an online Group Hypnobirthing course during Covid, She shared that she had a real fear about the prospect of needing a forceps delivery. This fear was really overpowering her pregnancy so we set to work on helping her to release those fears so that she could enjoy things more and look forward to birth. She was an absolute star!
Early Contractions and Hypnobirthing
Our baby wasn’t due until the 30th of November so I was a little surprised when I started to have contractions more than 2 weeks early. At this point, I was quite excited that it was happening, and I would meet my baby girl soon. Straight away, I reminded myself of what I had learned on the hypnobirthing course and worked on breathing through and listening to the mp3s from the course to help me stay calm and in the right head space. I stayed at home for a few hours and once the contractions got quite close together,
Danny and I decided it was time to go into hospital. I had an examination when we arrived, and I was already 4cm so was absolutely delighted that I was progressing well. I had on my birth plan that I wanted to use the birthing pool if it was available and luckily it was.
Hypnobirthing in Action
As soon as we got into our room and I got into the pool, Danny set up our room the way we wanted by having the lights dimmed, playing our music, and spraying our room spray. He was encouraging me the whole time, telling me I could do it, and making sure I stayed cool and hydrated. I knew Danny would do great, but he really blew me away with how much he had taken on board from the course and put into action to support me on the day.
I had been managing well in the pool using breathing techniques and gas and air for quite a few hours, but I did become exhausted as I had been up for almost a 24 hours by this point (should have made the most of those daytime naps in pregnancy!). I got out of the pool as I had requested some additional pain relief to help me to rest in between contractions.
I started to push when my body was telling me it was time and tried all the different positions from the hypnobirthing course to help her to come out, but she just wasn’t coming (we found out later that she had turned during labour and was back to back). The midwives suggested that the doctor come and see us to figure out what was happening which we agreed to. I was really hoping I could carry on pushing and she would eventually make an appearance, but the doctor did an examination and advised that the best course of action would be a forceps delivery. Danny really stepped in at this point as he could see I was getting upset as having to have an intervention was what I had been most worried about. He asked the doctor lots of questions and asked about other alternatives and when we were being pushed to give the go ahead, he asked for us to be left alone to discuss it between ourselves and come to an informed decision.
Our Informed Choice for an Assisted Birth
Danny and I spoke about it and decided that we would take the doctor’s advice to have the forceps delivery but that we wanted to have as many of our wishes on our birth plan honoured where possible. We wanted our baby to be born into the world gently and calmly, and for Danny to be able to see her being born and to cut the cord. I wanted to have skin to skin contact with our baby as soon as she was born.
All the staff involved in the birth were so supportive and I really felt like were mindful of what we had asked for. Harper was born about 12 minutes after being taken into theatre, calmly and peacefully, just the way we wanted.
I felt like we had been given the tools to stay strong and confident and in control
I felt like we had been given the tools to stay strong and confident and in control
I have to say without having the support of Claire and the benefit of her hypnobirthing course, I don’t think it would have been such an empowering, positive experience for us. I felt like we had been given the tools to stay strong and confident and in control of what was happening which resulted in an amazing experience, although it was not what we had initially hoped for.
Thank you so much, Claire.
-Lindsay and Danny: Group Hypnobirthing Course