Oliver’s positive birth story
Lisa and Will's Hypnobirthing Experience
Lisa and Will took part in one of my online group Hypnobirthing courses during Lockdown. They joined us from England and were a great addition to the group. I was overjoyed when I heard that Oliver had made his arrival in such a powerful and empowered way.
Doing our Through Birth & Beyond Hypnobirthing Course
We completed the Through Birth & Beyond course with Claire 3 months before our due day in June. It was recommended to us by some friends who had previously completed the course. It completely changed both my outlook about labour and also my husbands. We went from being very anxious and afraid of childbirth to being prepared and confident that we had an array of tools to help and guide us through the process before, during and after the birth. Will felt like he had an important role in supporting me through labour and gained lots of ideas about how to do this. We felt empowered by the knowledge we had gained and how to look forward to having a positive birth.
Going into labour
I was 41 weeks pregnant when I went into labour spontaneously and earlier that day I had been to the gym. During my pregnancy I had suffered with pelvic girdle pain, so I had tried to keep mobile and continue with basic core stability/ mobility exercises. Contractions started at 6:30 pm whilst we were at home. At first, I wasn’t sure if this was labour as all week, I’d had lots of discomfort, but this hadn’t progressed. As time went on, I knew this was the real thing as the intensity rapidly increased. Will put on the hypnobirthing mp3s and encouraged me to keep relaxed and calm. I rang the hospital, and they advised me to try to stay at home until my contractions were 3 minutes apart.
I was about to try and get in the bath, but my contractions had really started to ramp up and it was a very hot day. At this point they were 4 minutes apart and quite intense. I was quite sweaty and clammy so made the decision to ring the hospital back and come in.
We drove to the hospital at 1130pm which was thankfully only 5 mins away. When we arrived we went to triage and as we were unsure of how long we’d be there we left the hospital bags in the car until required. I was put on the monitor and examined by the midwife. At this point I was 3cm dilated and started vomiting profusely. They gave me some anti sickness medication, and this soon stopped. I was keen to get off the monitor as I found lying on the triage trolley very uncomfortable with my pelvic girdle pain. I wanted to be up and mobile and on the gym ball. The midwife offered me pain relief at this point: paracetamol and access to a bath or diamorphine. Straight away I opted for diamorphine, however, Will stopped me and reminded me of our birth plan and thought it may be a good idea to try the paracetamol and bath first. I had the paracetamol and got into the bath at around 1.30am. The hypnobirthing tracks were invaluable at this point, and I managed to get into a good routine of breathing in preparation for each contraction. Will was showering me as I bathed and as the room was very hot, I found the cold water really helpful for cooling me down. Whilst in the bath I looked at the clock and realised a couple of hours have gone by. I said to myself the contractions are not stronger than me, as they are me. I started to feel a real sense of control and reminded myself that in a few hours’ time we would meet our baby and that I could do this.
Urge to push
As time went on, I started to get a strong urge to push with each contraction. My body was telling me that things had changed. I asked Will to get the midwife and they asked me to get out of the bath so that they could examine me. I asked if they could examine me in the bath as I was much more comfortable there but unfortunately, they said this wasn’t possible. After several attempts I managed to get out and back into the triage room. On examination I was now 10cm dilated and the midwife advised I was fine to push with each contraction. At this stage they gave me gas and air which I found to be a really effective form of pain relief and it helped me control and focus on my breathing which greatly reduced the pain.
I was taken to the delivery suite and transferred to the bed and was asked what position I would like to give birth in. I was reassured it wouldn’t be long till we met our baby which gave me an increased sense of control of the situation. I was on my knees leaning against the back on the bed which I found to be a really comfortable position. Will stood next to me rubbing my back and giving me constant encouragement and reassurance throughout. I felt calm, strong, and strangely in control of what was going on. I asked the midwife what I should do at this point, she replied listen to your body and push with each contraction. Within 25mins at 5:37am Oliver was born and passed underneath me and onto my chest for skin to skin. This was the most overwhelming feeling of my entire life and the instant love we felt for our little boy was incredible.
We had such a positive birth experience
We had such a positive birth experience
We had such a positive birth experience. On reflection so many of the things we brought with us to help with the birth were not used. However, we both agreed that we would far rather be over prepared and not use some of the things we brought than be underprepared and overwhelmed. I would have preferred to get in a birthing pool and be at delivery earlier but despite this it was still a really positive experience.
We would like to say a massive thanks to Claire for being such a huge part of our positive birth experience. It would not have been the same without her. Claire has always been at the other end of the phone to provide us with support, reassurance, and guidance. Even after I gave birth she has continued to help including breastfeeding support and advice.
Thank you, Lisa & Will xxx
- Lisa and Will, Group Hypnobirthing Course