7 Simple Steps to a Positive Birth
As a mum-to-be, I bet the idea of having a positive birth experience can sometimes feel like something that will never happen, especially when a lot of us grow up being drip fed images and stories of birth only ever being long, painful and full of medical intervention. But let me reassure you, a positive birth is achievable and can be possible in many different forms. I don’t want you thinking that birth has to follow a particular path to be positive. I want you to know that birth is more about how you feel during the process than how it actually happens. What I mean by this is, it’s more about having a water birth, with music and fairy lights twinkling in the background, it's about having information to make decisions, being listened to, feeling respected, safe, and supported. All of these things, when pieced together will help you view your birth as positive regardless of how it actually happens.
Here are some of the key things I work on with my clients to help them prepare for their own positive experiences:
Choosing the Right Birth Environment: Where you give birth is super important. Whether it's at home, in a delivery room, or even in theatre, the environment should make you feel safe, calm, and relaxed. Creating the right environment that helps your birthing hormones to flow will contribute to a more positive experience.
Education is Empowerment: The thought of being in labour and giving birth can be bloody scary, but understanding the process and what to expect can make it a lot less daunting. Honestly, educating yourself on routine procedures, pain management options, your rights, and the options available to you will empower you more than you thought possible. There is no truer saying than, “Knowledge is power!”.
Having Support: A supportive partner who is educated about birth can make a world of difference. From helping with pain management to advocating for your wishes, having someone by your side who understands your goals can be the most valuable thing you bring into your birth space!
Informed Decision Making: Your birth experience should be guided by informed choices rather than decisions being made for you. you’re a grown adult after all. Take the time to gather all the information you need to weigh enable you to make decisions that feel right for you and your family.
Trust in Your Care Provider: A trustworthy care provider who listens to your concerns, respects your wishes, and supports your goals can significantly enhance your birth experience. Building a relationship based on trust and mutual respect is key. If you feel you’re not getting that or don’t have the connection you want with your care provider ask for someone else!
Mental Preparation: Labour and birth are not just physical experiences; they're also deeply rooted in mental and emotional preparation. This is why you owe it to yourself to take the time to work through any fears or anxieties you may have. Learn coping mechanisms for when things don't go as planned to stack the odds in your favour of having a positive birth even if things don’t follow your original plan.
Practice Makes Perfect: I’m a huge advocate for learning strategies that will help you during labour and birth and that’s why I’m always banging on about the importance of developing relaxation, breathing, and pain management techniques during pregnancy. Doing so can help you feel more prepared and confident during labour. It won’t just happen over night though! Regular practice is needed. The great thing is, that not only are the techniques going to help you during the birth of your baby but also help you develop skills for life! You’re on to a winner if you ask me!
So, a positive birth experience is achievable through you making informed choices, a supportive birth team, and plenty of preparation. Remember, regardless of the path your birthing journey takes, what truly matters is feeling empowered, respected, and supported every step of the way.